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About Us-
We are committed to providing you with quality herbs & spices to season your own recipes as well as those we share. We wish to encourage you to entertain whether it's for a party of 1 or 100! Life is worth celebrating so get out your fancy dishes, cloth napkins, crystal--whatever makes the occasion special to you even if it's just an ordinary day.
How we got our name:
As a young lady, I fell in love with William Henry Channing's poem, "My Symphony". The words penned in the 1800's encompassed everything that I wanted to be: content, elegant, refined, worthy and yes, wealthy. The latter being of personal wealth not monetary. My wish for you is that you too can live out your symphony of contentment. Allow My Symphony Seasonings to help you attain a wealth of knowledge, confidence, elegance and refinement in your kitchen as you entertain the loved ones in your life.

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