Let's talk turkey...Don't let the bird intimidate you! There are countless articles, whole television episodes and even hotlines out this time of year, but it's just a big chicken. If baking a turkey for Thanksgiving or anytime during the year scares you in the least, My Symphony Seasonings is here to take the fright out of this poultry task and the rest is gravy! (Okay no more puns, I promise)

Bringing home the bird:
What size bird should I get? Plan on about 1 1/2 pounds per serving. So for 10 guests, choose a turkey that weighs 15 pounds. (10 guests x 1.5=15) Of course, there's nothing better than Thanksgiving leftovers so feel free to get a bigger bird.
To defrost a frozen fowl in the refrigerator, allow 24 hours for every 5 pounds of its weight. For example a turkey that weighs 22 pounds should be defrosting in the refrigerator for 4 1/2 full days before baking (22 lb divided by 5 = 4.4 ).
Not enough time to defrost in the refrigerator? Keep your turkey in its original wrapping and place breast side down in your sink then fill with cold water. Next and very important--drain and refill the sink with water every 30 minutes. Allow 30 minutes per pound to thaw. So for your 22 pound frozen turkey it will take 11 hours to thaw fully in a water bath. (22 lb x 30 minutes=660 minutes divided by 60 minutes in an hour=11 hours)
No time to thaw at all? You can bake a frozen bird! (keep reading)
Dressing the defrosted bird:

Combine oil, room temperature/softened butter with My Symphony Seasonings' Bushel & a Peck in a bowl and mix well. Exact recipe can be printed from the newsletter or email us at info@mysymphonyseasonings.com and we'll be happy to send it to you.
Place bird in a roasting pan, breast up, tuck the wings under and truss the legs if desired to retain shape.
Brush or rub the buttered herb mixture directly on the meat underneath the skin, inside the cavity and on the exterior of your turkey.
Generously season the outside with My Symphony Seasonings' all purpose seasoning blend, Bon Vie or spicy seasoning blend, Bon Vie Piquant.
Fill the cavity of your turkey with rough cut aromatics like lemons, apples, onions, celery, carrots, garlic, etc.
On the day you're baking:
Take your defrosted bird out of the refrigerator for an hour before baking.
To estimate how long it will take to bake your defrosted fowl, allow for 15 minutes per pound at a 350°F temperature. For example to cook a defrosted, 22 pound turkey it will take an estimated 4 hours and 45 minutes. (13 x 22=286, 286 divided by 60 [minutes in an hour] =4.77 or roughly 4 3/4 of an hour).
The reason the time is estimated is because the best way to know if your bird is cooked is to check the temperature of the meat. Insert the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh (but don't touch the bone) and, when it reaches a minimum of 165°F, it's done.
Cover your bird with a tent of aluminum foil and uncover for the last 1 hour of cooking to brown the skin.
Once removed from the oven, let it rest for 30 minutes before carving.
No time to thaw?
Place your unwrapped, frozen bird in a roasting pan in the oven and bake for 2 1/2 hours at 350° (do not open the oven door during this time).
After this baking time, you should be able to now remove the pack of giblets, etc. Also at this time combine oil, room temperature/softened butter & My Symphony Seasonings' Bushel & a Peck in a bowl, mix well then rub/brush the exterior of the turkey. Exact recipe can be printed from the newsletter or email us at info@mysymphonyseasonings.com and we'll be happy to send it to you.
To estimate how long it takes to bake your frozen fowl, estimate the baking time for your turkey and then add 50%. For example, to cook a frozen, 22 pound turkey it will take an estimated 7 hours and 15 minutes (4.77 from above x .50=2.39, 4.77 + 2.39=7.16).
The reason the time is estimated is because the best way to know if your bird is cooked is to check the temperature of the meat. Insert the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh (but don't touch the bone) and, when it reaches a minimum of 165°F, it's done.
Cover your bird with a tent of aluminum foil and uncover for the last 1 hour of cooking to brown the skin.
Once removed from the oven, let it rest for 30 minutes before carving.

Disclaimer: Content on this site is for informational purposes and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Health statements regarding herb, spice & botanical dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.